
Build up the value proposition for our Exclusive Reseller.

RV2Factor is the software application under RVGlobalSoft’s license. We are open to all hosting providers and Network Operations Center (NOC) who want to leverage their own businesses by having RV2Factor as the value added to their own users in local market worldwide. We have a high willingness to serve all of you who want to join our Reselling Platform and receive exclusive rights of APIs, automation, business transparency, premium support, SLAs, on and on.


Hosting Providers Value Proposition :

Network Operations Center Value Proposition :

  • High Security
  • Ready for Reselling Model
  • Complimentary Services
  • Highly Credible Image
  • VIP Services
  • Support Relationship (Enterprise Approach)

As a cloud-based service, RV2Factor is charged as a subscription fee either on monthly or annual basis. For example, if you have 10 users who access WHM root in a month, you should buy 10 monthly subscriptions for them. If the root has several resellers, those resellers must purchase RV2Factor directly from RVGlobalSoft.

Once the RV2Factor for WHM is purchased, both of root and resellers will get RV2Factor services that covers addons for cPanel, WordPress, and more apps. With these add-ons, they can resell RV2Factor to app users via RVGlobalSoft.com. A percentage commission based on the revenues will be paid to root server on monthly basis.

To enter the reseller program, please email to marketing@rvglobalsoft.com, asking for RVGlobalSoft Reselling Platform Registration Form.

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