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Install Tryout Module for DirectAdmin server
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

Tryout website can be created through the RVSitebuilder program in the same way of building website for end-user. You should keep your Tryout in the recent update version.

You can enable Tryout module for any users. It can be either a standard hosting account or a reseller account, the hosting account should have unlimited disk space and database.

Once the account has been authorized, you will find the 'Create Tryout' button in Directadmin Area

>> RVSiteBuilder besides the Create Web site and Create Blog.

In order to run tryout web site, it will need to enable the following functions below.

- Ioncube

- Symlink PHP function

- Exec or system or shell_exec PHP function. One of these functions needs to be available.

- suhosin.executor.allow_symlink is on, if your server runs suhosin.

You need to set open_basedir configuration for the account which uses the tryout module manually before enabling the users here.

To change the open_basedir value, you can do under  Admin Level -> Custom httpd configuration -> select domain of the account, replace values in the top text area, then insert the following command:


Install Tryout Module for cPanel Server