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How to install RVsiteBuilder? If my server compile with suhosin
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If your server compile with suhosin, you also need to configure suhosin to allow RVsiteBuilder works properly.

Warning from suhosin

suhosin[8773]: ALERT - configured request variable name length limit exceeded - dropped variable '/var/cpanel/rvglobalsoft/rvsitebuilder/scripts/RVSeagullMod-1_0_1_tgz' (attacker 'REMOTE_ADDR not set', file 'unknown')

Set the following suhosin options in php.ini to fix the suhosin errors.



; For translation manager to handle more inputs = 2000

suhosin.request.max_vars = 2000

; For URL handling

suhosin.request.max_totalname_length = 300

suhosin.request.max_varname_length = 300

suhosin.get.max_varname_length = 300

suhosin.get.max_name_length = 300

Increase the value as you need it. And don't forget to restart apache.
