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Setup RV2Factor Account for WHM
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

Active Account and Add Credential


Active RV2Factor Account for WHM

1. The fresh installed RV2Factor Manager will be looking like the following page. Here's to set your (first) RV2Factor Accout for WHM.

Go to WHM > RVGlobalSoft Manager > RV2Factor Manager > WHM Management

  a) RV2Factor Account: (the account name you would like to use)

  b) Credential ID: (a unique identifier number that associates your credential on your device)

    How to get Credential ID

  c) Note: (the device name such as "John iPhone", etc.)

2. After press “Next”, it means to save. You’ll be required to insert “Security Code” to confirm.

Security Code: (the 30Seconds random code in your VIP Access app)

3. To implement RV2Factor for your WHM users, make sure that your RV2Factor for WHM is “enabled.

Add (more) Credential

1. On the page WHM > RVGlobalSoft Manager > RV2Factor Manager > WHM Management

To add the additional credential for the current RV2Factor Account. Just simply click at “Manage” tool after the RV2Factor account.

2. You will be prompted by a pop up window. Insert your Credential ID and put the device name in the field “Note” to remind you of the credential ID. Click OK.



3. Then, you will be asked to insert the "Security Code" generated by your VIP Access from your mobile phone.



4. After validation is done successfully, you will be confirmed by this popup window.