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Uploading image by using Image Manager
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

Image Manager is our new feature in RVsitebuilder 6.2

Click on the image that comes with the section you choose, then it will appear 3 icons on the image: Upload, Replace and Edit.

                Upload : Add new image from your computer.

                Replace: Choosing image from our Image Library or your Facebook.

                Edit: Adjust the image which you selected.

Upload Icon

When you click upload, you can choose the image from your computer.

After that you can adjust the image. If you click Overwrite, it will overwrite the original file which you uploaded.

Replace Icon

Click Replace for choosing the image in RVsitebuilder Image Library

Free tab

We have 20 categories with more than 900 free images that you can select.

Social tab

You can browse an image from Facebook and choose the image from your Facebook.

My Image tab

This tab will show the image which you uploaded from your computer and the browsed ones from your facebook

If you click insert image, it will replace the current image which you selected.

Edit Icon

You can adjust your image by zoom in, zoom out, rotate 45°, flip vertical and horizontal.

If you click Overwrite, it will overwrite the original file which you uploaded.
