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Install Tryout Module for cPanel server
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Tryout website can be created through the RVSitebuilder program in the same way of building website for end-user. You should keep your Tryout in the recent update version. The web server which runs the Tryout website will need to enable Ioncube, Exec and symlink PHP function, otherwise, your Tryout will not work.

To create tryout web site, please follow the guideline below.

1. Update RVSiteBuilder to the latest version

2. Create a new cPanel account or use the existing cPanel account for the tryout website. The domain name of this account will be the domain for tryout web site. Set up standard cPanel account with unlimited database and unlimited disk space.

3. You need to set open_basedir configuration for the account which runs the tryout module manually before enabling the users here.

   3.1 SSH to the server as root and open /var/cpanel/userdata/USER_NAME/TRYOUT_WEBSITE_DOMAIN (replace USER_NAME and TRYOUT_WEBSITE_DOMAIN with your own values), to add the following values at the end of this file.

custom_vhost_template_ap1: /var/cpanel/rvglobalsoft/rvsitebuilder/panelmenus/cpanel/apachetemplate/tryout.rvsitebuilder.apache1

custom_vhost_template_ap2: /var/cpanel/rvglobalsoft/rvsitebuilder/panelmenus/cpanel/apachetemplate/tryout.rvsitebuilder.apache2

Note: The 2 lines above are quite long.

   3.2 Remove cache data of userdata above using the command below.

rm -f /var/cpanel/userdata/USER_NAME/TRYOUT_WEBSITE_DOMAIN.cache

   3.3 Then run /scripts/rebuildhttpdconf

   3.4 And run /scripts/restartsrv httpd

4. Go to root WHM >> RVSiteBuilder Manager >> Tryout User Control List. Set authority for cPanel user you want to install tryout module at "Enable user to access tryout list".

5. Go to the RVSiteBuilder on cPanel of the authorized user. You will find a button to create tryout. Click the button, and setup database.

6. Start building your tryout website as the following steps.

   - Step1 : Choose the template or import your own one.

   - Step2 : Upload logo, add company name, Select your website style, Add more menu navigator.

   - Step3 : Setup "tryout component" and "user and system component". Email templates, login templates, translation, and registration system. You can also edit content of the tryout web site here.

                 >> Extras : Set web page title, meta tag, page effect, and page name.

   Publish your tryout website. You can publish on any directory under the domain name which has been set with open_basedir configuration in step2.

Install Tryout Module for DirectAdmin Server